Hello Everyone, The last week the HKIBIM 2017 Annual Conference took place in Hong Kong. Not long ago we were also doing a post about Redas in Singapore. Similar topic but different news.. The [...]
Dear Friends and lovers of Architecture and design! Last week we organised in collaboration with TGIC the first of many webinars explaining some of the different workflows possible between [...]
Hello everyone, Today we are going to continue the last post about creation of Library parts. In our previous post we learned how to create a frame and a cap of a Curtain Wall tool. In this post [...]
Hello everyone, Following our previous post about handling Big Models I would like to add a few more lines regarding the workflow with this kind of projects. Today I am going to talk about how to [...]
Hello everyone, today we are going to share a few interesting tips of how to handle heavy models in ARCHICAD. As an example I will use one of our recent masterplan projects in which the amount of [...]
PRODUCE COMPLETE SETS OF DRAWINGS AT 1:50 AND 1:200 AUTOMATICALLY FROM YOUR MODEL There is a conversation that still goes on and on with all my friends who are architects and engineers working in [...]
Image courtesy of TASMEEM design Studio. This last month Enzyme Apd and TASMEEM design studio have signed a MOU for collaboration on the design, development and coordination for complex [...]
Embed Different Design Options within the same file in a clean way In a previous post in Enzyme Asia Blog we talked about how to use Renovation Filters. This feature in Archicad helps to [...]
Today we’re going to do a very quick exercise to create custom surfaces and materials in ARCHICAD and CineRender, the new render engine included in ARCHICAD since version 18. This [...]
Massing at the design stage: Freedom in design without loosing control. When starting a project in architecture most of the times we need to go through something called [...]