Hi Everyone, For a long time, we have been trying to find the time to create a series of Posts sharing best practices about exchanging data in OpenBIM format, in between ARCHICAD and other [...]
About Open BIM These days everyone is trying to learn how collaborate effectively using BIM. Governments are implementing some sort of official BIM deliverable format or are learning the way to [...]
As many as you already know ARCHICAD 23 is going to be released very soon. As usual in all the AC updates there are great new features, improvements and advantages. In this post I would like to [...]
Hello everyone, I think lately a huge amount of ARCHICAD users, and I include myself, have been exploring and playing around with the connexion in between Rhino Grasshopper and ARCHICAD. [...]
Dear All, A few days ago the WSBE 2017 was celebrated in Hong Kong. For those who don’t know what is it about, it is the International World Sustainable Built Environment Conference that is [...]
SIMPLIFY AND AUTOMATE A WORKFLOW TO SAVE TIME: GRAPHIC OVERRIDES + 3D DOCUMENTATION Hello everyone, ARCHICAD has a great potential when it comes to produce documentation. In all the posts about [...]
From Enzyme APD we always encouraged our customers to embrace all benefits that BIM can give to them. We actually encourage everyone involved in any kind of Architectural project.. For [...]
HKIBIM CONFERENCE 2016 Last week on the 6th of October took place the 2016 HKIBIM conference. This time we had the privilege to assist both as audience and speakers. Once per year the HKIBIM [...]
GET IT AUTOMATED, GET IT DONE RIGHT Today I want to introduce the world of automated Schedules in ARCHICAD. This article is for those who are new in the BIM methodology and also for those who [...]
BIM IS THE BEST OPTION FOR CONCEPT DESIGN This article will show a Case Study of the Concept Design of a Residence we recently completed in Java, Indonesia. I wanted to take the chance to show a [...]