Hello friends from the world, These uncertain and bizarre times are taking its toll on many of us. Not only due to the lack of traveling, the lockdown, and the distance rules, but because of the [...]
About Open BIM These days everyone is trying to learn how collaborate effectively using BIM. Governments are implementing some sort of official BIM deliverable format or are learning the way to [...]
There have been recently many requests from Architects colleagues and other professionals about how to connect a workflow based in Rhinoceros from Mcneel with a BIM platform. We have seen this [...]
Hello everyone, Sustainability and Community are two of the main challenge we are facing in our time right now. Probably the second one has been a continuous problem in the human history. But [...]
Hello everyone, Today we are going to continue the last post about creation of Library parts. In our previous post we learned how to create a frame and a cap of a Curtain Wall tool. In this post [...]
Hello everyone, Following our previous post about handling Big Models I would like to add a few more lines regarding the workflow with this kind of projects. Today I am going to talk about how to [...]
Hello everyone, Today I am going to talk about Element’s IDs and Customised Properties in an ARCHICAD File. Some of you may know already how important these elements are in your model and some of [...]
The KCC of this year in Kyoto was something like a master class – case study. The experience and knowledge that was shared among all participants from every part of the world was [...]
16 HOURS PER DAY IN FRONT OF A SCREEN BECAUSE “IS WHAT ARCHITECTS DO” IS WRONG We Started Enzyme APD almost two years ago. During this period we have been doing huge amount of [...]
Hello everyone, Today we are going to make and article based on a daily workflow that we commonly use in our practise: importing objects into our ARCHICAD libraries. It is very common that for [...]