Enzyme Apd to Join the World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 (WSBE17 HK)

sustainability starts with a smart use of the resources

In our team we have always been concern about all environmental implications of architecture and also tried to push a sustainable approach in all our projects.
It is true that sometimes is not easy to convince all parties involved in the development of an architectural project of having the same concerns and keep a favourable attitude towards a more respectful and sustainable approach to our environment.
We experienced in some of our projects that clients sometimes are not concern about these matters. For them usually costs and time saving, square meter optimisation, investment return, etc..; are the most crucial aspects of their project, and of course all them are important. Energetic efficiency aspects, passive technics, sustainable sources of materials, waste production during lifecycle of a building or facility and other sustainable considerations are sometimes disregarded.
BOTANIC GARDEN LEON-06But even in these cases we should not give up. We truly believe and we always defended that architects have a crucial role in the sustainable development of a project. Doesn’t matter the scale or kind of project, if it is master planing, landscape, building construction or refurbishment. A design can be sustainable from the beginning and can influence the whole development of a project.
The sustainability starts with a smart use of resources. All ideas that in this blog we have been promoting about efficient workflows and advantages of implementing BIM on the design process have been always oriented towards this principle.

We are glad to inform that we have been given the opportunity of sharing these ideas in the World Sustainable Built Environment conference 2017 in Hong Kong. The title of our Oral Presentation is called “Do We Design Our Cities?” In it we explain how through the process of Design of a project the sustainable performance of our cities can be modified.
We are glad to share the paper that exposes the ideas behind the presentation that will take place in the beginning of June 2017. In case you are interested please click on this link to download the full paper “Do We Design Our Cities?”.
In case you are interested to assist to the conference please visit the website of the WSBE17 Hong Kong.
Thank you very much for following us!