Dear friends! It’s been a while since our last published blog and that is because after the crazy months of lockdown and misery, seems that the world is waking up with renewed energy to renovate, build, and learning new things. This, for us, happily means work and being busy thus the lack of time for preparing interesting articles and tutorials.
We have been also quite busy, working on some really cool GDL objects that we plan to share for a very reasonable price, hopefully very soon on our website. These objects will enhance greatly the workflow between Rhino / Grasshopper and Archicad, adding extra tools to the current Archicad tool-palet and enhancing the information transfer as well as the design & documentation capabilities. Stay tuned for this one!
In the next few blogs, I would like to share the different presentations and conferences where we have been invited, mainly to talk about Computational Desing and how it links with Archicad and OpenBIM.
We hope you like it!