Hi there!
Today is a quick one! Something useful I learnt about the update of the Grasshopper-Archicad Live connection.
I was working on a file today when I got the pop up: “there’s an update available…” I went through the normal process: Clicking, downloading and triggering the installer but at the end of the installation got the following screen:


So after the first reaction (…shit!…) I started surfing the web, researching what was happening. As usual, the ARCHICAD forum gave me the key. Somebody with the exact same problem!

So just go to the help centre here:
or open the Terminal (in mac) and type the following command and press enter:
sudo pkgutil –forget “com.graphisoft.ArchiCAD.Goodies.GHACLiveInstaller”
That should reset the process and after the installation process should happen normally.
I know is not the greatest post today but I thought I could save you those few minutes of researching!
Thanks for reading and if you’re in Hong Kong these days, stay dry!